Friday, January 24, 2020

Hamlets Procrastination :: William Shakespeare Hamlet

"To be or not to be", is Hamlet's most famous quotation. Hamlet is the protagonist of Shakespeare's. His father, king Hamlet, killed by his own brother, Claudius, then Claudius marries king Hamlet's wife, Gertrude, and won the kingship. Prince Hamlet who suffers from Oedipal Complex, felling in love with his own mother and considering father as a rival to his love, can't make his mind whether to kill his uncle and take his father's revenge or not. And ask this question from himself, because in one hand he knows that if he kill Claudius, his companions will kill him, in other hand his father's ghost appears to him and ask him to kill Claudius. He was in a dilemma. Hamlet's tragic flaw is his procrastination, Hamlet procrastinated only because of his fear of intimacy with his mother, he knows that Claudius was the only person separating him and Gertrude. Now this question would come to our mind that why does Shakespeare give so much prominence to the delay without clearly presenting th e reason for it? James k. Lowers in his Tragic Heroes argues that "Shakespeare's tragedy is a work of surpassing interest and genius, and the tragic hero is universally attractive and fascinating" (12). We must keep two things in mind. First, Shakespeare makes it clear that Hamlet is acutely aware of a delay. Second, Shakespeare also makes it clear that Hamlet himself is not sure why he delays. At the end of the eighteenth century, Goethe in Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship proposed that Shakespeare means, in Hamlet, to "represent the effects of a great action laid upon a soul unfit for the performance of it"(152). Hamlet is not sure about ghost?s says, he wants to reveal the fact, and prove his father's innocence, because his ghost said to him that Claudius kill him to gain king ship and his queen. From the religious point of view we can consider him as a religious man, we can disgust that he put off taking revenge, because in Christianity taking revenge is forbidden. He put off killing his uncle 3times as Jesus was put off 3times for crucifixion. At the beginning of the twentieth century, A. C. Bradley proposed another reason for the delay in his Shakespearean Tragedy Bradley argued that ?Hamlet's delay is the result of a melancholic state of mind, brought on by the death of his father and the hasty remarriage of his mother.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

“Of Mice and Men” †John Steinbeck Essay

In Chapter 4 of â€Å"Of Mice and Men,† John Steinbeck portrays Crooks, Lennie, Candy, and Curley’s wife as outcasts who although are lonely and seek each others companionship, ostracize each other nevertheless. Each of said characters seek companionship, are outcasts, and as a result abase one another. Crooks, Candy, Curley’s wife, and Lennie are lonely and therefore seek companionship. Crooks is a very lonely character, and may in fact be the most diverse due to both his handicap and race. When he gets company, he tries to conceal his pleasure with anger; he does not welcome others into his abode because they discriminate against him (his impediment is therefore seen as a spiteful retaliation), but at the same time he is delighted to have company. When Crooks sees Lennie standing at the doorway smiling at him, Crooks gives in and allows him to stay, telling him â€Å"you can come if ya want.† Lennie is also lonely, for he is drawn to Crooks’ stable when he sees the light on; when he approached Crooks, he â€Å"smiled helplessly in an attempt to make friends.† Candy later comes in to the stable, as Crooks allows him to come in; he is modest about Crooks’s welcome, saying â€Å"of course if you want me to.† Candy is a passive man virtually unable to take any independent action and his one major act in the book, offering Lennie and George money in order to go in on a piece of land together, is a means by which he can become dependent on them; this is a result of his impeding loneliness. Lastly, Curley’s wife enters the stable. Her presence is almost nomadic; she wonders around the whole ranch, seeking company and then parting. Generally considered to be a tramp by the men at the ranch, Curley’s Wife is the only major character in Of Mice and Men whom Steinbeck does not give a name. She dislikes her husband and feels desperately lonely at the ranch, for she is the only woman and feels isolated from the other men, who openly scorn her. She still holds some small hope of a better life, claiming that she had the chance to become a movie star in Hollywood, but otherwise is a bitter and scornful woman who shamelessly uses sex to intimidate the workers. When she enters the stable, she pretends as if she is looking for Curley, but she really just wants company. Each of the aforementioned characters seek each others companionship and company to keep from getting lonely. Crooks, Candy, Curley’s wife, and Lennie are also scrutinized as outcasts in the society in which they live, due to their defects – Crooks being a black cripple, Candy an old handicapped man, Curley’s wife being female, and Lennie whom is afflicted with mental retardation. Their reclusive stature is justified in the names in which they call themselves; Crooks calls himself â€Å"black† and a â€Å"busted back nigger.† Candy is called a â€Å"busted sheep,† Lennie a â€Å"dum dum,† and Curley’s wife a â€Å"tart.† Furthermore, Steinbeck does not give Curley’s wife a name; this illustrates that women in the concurrent era were looked down upon. Crooks, Curley’s wife, Candy, and Lennie are further exemplified as outcasts by the fact that Slim, George, and Whit left them behind. Crooks, Candy, Curley’s wife, and Lennie are â€Å"exiled† from society and left to be alone. With the pain, loneliness, and fear which they feel, Crooks, Candy, Curley’s wife, and Lennie degrade each other. They call each other names, and Curley’s wife adds to these statements by saying â€Å"they [George, Slim, and Whit] left the weak ones behind.† Candy calls her a â€Å"bitch† and reminds her that they at least have friends. Candy and Crooks even indicate that they want her to leave, that they have â€Å"had enough.† Crooks, Lennie, Candy, and Curley’s wife are portrayed as outcasts who although are lonely and seek each others companionship, they ostracize each other nevertheless because of the over bearing society in which they live. They demean and mortify one another to make themselves feel better – to attain a private victory that the other is more of an outcast than the former. They would rather have bitter company as to no company.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Temple of Amun Free Essay Example, 2000 words

The temple is also spread in a spiritual region which is precious and significant to Egyptian kings who ruled the province. Egyptian civilization being the oldest and most coveted one, is renowned and extra – ordinary till today. The people around the world identify themselves with its culture as the region was an amalgamation of races and ethnicity during its construction period. Hence, the historical significance of this temple allures more people into knowing about its construction detailing. The Layout of The Temple The layout of temple of Amun is magnificent and there is many geographical, religious and cultural value attached to it. The Egyptian king called â€Å" Pharaohs† are great believers of God and they had their own Gods resembling their daily life. The location and the geographical prominence of temple are beyond human imagination and calculation. This core of temple Amun is ideally situated on the east – west axis of a mount which as ample divinity attached to it. Apart from this, the Temple is situated on the banks of â€Å"Nile† which is the sacred river of Egyptians and it is also surrounded by other small temples. We will write a custom essay sample on The Temple of Amun or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The God â€Å" Amun† is the local diety of Thebes, which was the center of region of importance in New kingdom of Egypt. As per Egyptian religious laws, the temples were constructed with abundant planning and prophecies from priests and religious heads. This temple lies in Karnak, which is a burial ground of many temples, pylons, chapels and various buildings. Thebes being the worshiping location of eighteenth royal dynasty of Egypt, its geographical significance is outstanding. As per (Stank, 2007)‘The elaborate shrine to the god Amun-Recovers about 200 acres (81 hectares) near the present-day city of Luxor and sits 650 feet (200 meters) from where the river runs today†. It is the proximity to the river Nile and the co – ordination it have with the constellation in the sky enhances the heritage value of this temple. Religious value of the Temple The Temple of Amun is of great religious value as it symbolizes Amun, the God of air, sun and sky. Amun is the local and most powerful God of Egyptian kings. Amun is the primeval God of Egypt in ancient times and it merged with the sun God â€Å" Ra† to form â€Å" Amun – ra†. Amun was be3leived to be the blue – skin God of Nubian and plotelemic era, where the deity represented air and endless creation. Amun – Ra was the protector of land and kingdom of Egyptian in ancient times and he was revered with all piety and divinity.